
Infamous 2 on ps4
Infamous 2 on ps4

infamous 2 on ps4


In this video: How to effectively utilize Groups, creating unique Groups, editing Groups, and the function of Parent Groups. Parent Groups add another layer of control and organization, so view on, faithful inFAMOUS 2 mission designer. Tutorial Video 3: Groupsĭid you know that setting up individual Groups within your inFAMOUS 2 UGC mission can infinitely increase the possibilities of what you can create? They’re crucial to keeping your mission nice and organized. In this video: Introduction to Logic Boxes, how to connect Logic Boxes, and the dynamically updating smart text.

infamous 2 on ps4

Once you figure out how to use them effectively, you’ll be able to turn New Marais into a rich, lustrous city teeming with mission objectives and unique experiences. Logic Boxes and Smart Text are the bread and butter of inFAMOUS 2 UGC. Tutorial Video 2: Logic Boxes and Smart Text It covers the basics: entering the UGC Menu, creating missions from Templates, and playing missions from within the editor. This tutorial video is a good place to start if you’ve never experienced inFAMOUS 2 UGC before. Tutorial Video 1: Getting started with inFAMOUS 2 UGC Welcome to the world of mission design! Jumping into the deep end and figuring it out on your own can be fairly daunting, but Sucker Punch has been listening to feedback gathered from your experiences in inFAMOUS 2 and we want to make mission designing a breeze!Ĭheck out the introductory video below and, if you want to learn more about User-Generated Content (UGC), take a gander at our UGC Tutorial Video series that details everything from how to create waypoints to the best use of triggers.

Infamous 2 on ps4